Variation in Pressure with Area

Concept Explanation

Variation in Pressure with Area

Variation in Pressure With Area : From the formula   :Pressure :=:frac{Force }{Area}   following conclusions can be drawn about pressure:

  • The lesser the area of contact of a given body, the more is the pressure exerted by it.
  • The more the area of contact of a given body the lesser the pressure it will exert.
  • The more the force acting on a body, the more the pressure it will exert.
  • The SI unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa). Increasing the area over which a particular force acts decreases the pressure produced. The converse is also true- decreasing the area over which a particular force acts increases the pressure produced. For example: The pointed end of a high-healed shoe exerts a greater pressure than the flat end, as the force is acting over a smaller at the pointed end. A camel has flat, broad feet that reduce the pressure exerted on the sand. As a result, the camels feet sink very little in the sand, allowing it to move fast.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    A 20 pa pressure is applied on the head of a nail placed prependicular to the surface of a wall.If the area of cross-section of the tip of the nail is(1/10) times the area of cross -section of the head, the pressure exerted at the wall is :

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) The SI unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa).

    (b) Increasing the area over which a particular force acts decreases the pressure produced.

    (c) Increasing the area over which a particular force acts increases the pressure produced.

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    The more the area of contact of a given body the ______________ the pressure it will exert.

    Right Option : B
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